Friday, March 13, 2009

Update from Alexandra in Venezuela

We received the following email from Alexandra yesterday, and she asked us to share with any interested Blog readers:
"I just wanted to give you all an update of my trip. I arrived safely to Venezuela but very soon I was busy.

Yesterday, I was driving in a very crowded and hot area about an hour from Caracas when I saw a dog trying to cross a very busy street only to reach a small dirty puddle. My heart started pounding hard because the cars would not even avoid her. When I passed closer, I realized that her paw was broken and her leg was shaking probably because she was in so much pain. Luckily she managed to cross the street and I parked just beside her to see if she would let me help her. When I approached her, she hid her tail, lowered her head and closed her eyes like saying -please don’t hurt me-, it was so heartbreaking. I picked her up and put her in the car and in no time we were on our way to the vet. We named her Katy because of the place where we found her. The vet check her carefully, administered anti-inflammatory and analgesic because she was in a lot of pain. He recommended amputating the leg but he doesn’t perform that surgery so we have to take her to a specialist. I will pick her up from the vet tomorrow to take her to the specialist. She has suffered so much and she’s still a sweetheart. Yesterday, in just a few hours she was already moving her tail, like saying -thank you helping me!!- I will everything possible to help her but as usual my main concern right now is what I am going to do with her when she recovers because I have no one to take care of her once I am gone.

The preparation for the spay clinic are going really well, we have a lot of animals waiting and we received a donation from a small company for surgical material.

I will keep you all informed about the spay clinic and Katy’s progress."
Since sending this email to friends in Canada, Alexandra has received several offers to help pay Katy's travel expenses to Canada, and an offer to foster her once she arrives.

In her next email, Alexandra wrote:

"I am not sure I can bring Katy with me, it will depend on how soon she recovers enough to travel, but I will do everything I can to recover her and I am very optimistic she will recover, especially there is hope to drastically change her life. Tomorrow, I will pick her up to take her to another vet and I will keep you informed."

We are very hopeful that Katy can be one of the two dogs that Alexandra brings home with her to Canada in April, and we know that she will do her best to make that happen.

1 comment:

  1. Hola, primero quisiera felicitarlos por tanta bondad hacía los animalitos desamparados, vivo en Venezuela, en Turén específicamente, es una pequeña ciudad agrícola en el estado Portuguesa, hay muchos perritos callejeros, que deambulan por las calles, sarnosos, esquélitos. Rompen mi corazón cuando los veo, he ayudado a varios, ofreciéndoles un hogar, tengo 7 :S pero todos los santos días al salir a la calle...veo más y más. No puedo ayudarlos a todos aunque quisiera hacerlo, aún así les doy pan al menos. Hemos pensado en comprar una pequeña granjita en donde darles cobijo, y tambien en pedirle a los veterinarios de buen corazón que nos ayuden a curarlos y estirilizarlos, pero éso no es tan fácil, leí que ustedes hacen éso, y quisiera pedirles que hicieran un operativo aqui en mi ciudad, hace muchísima falta..hay muchos, y van siendo más porque las perritas flacas y muertas de hambre van pariendo perritos que terminan muriendo de mengua...Les invito a ver mi blog en donde cuento entre otras cosas la historia de algunos de mis perritos rescatados, y gracias a Canine Crusader, una encantadora señora de América pude saber de ustedes, ojalá podamos hacer algo, tambien he estado pensando pues es algo que me en cómo hacer más digno y con el menor sufrimiento el sacrificio de los animales que sirven de alimento a la humanidad, pues su suplicio comienza desde que son metidos en los camiones de carga en su fatídico viaje al matadero :( No les dan ni agua siquiera y los atormentan con electricidad cuando ya no pueden tenerse en pie debido a las largas horas de viaje :( Hay tanto que hacer en este mundo...
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